Transparent Feed Cost Reporting
Our clients are routinely updated on:
• dietary nutrient specifications
• the costs of all feed ingredients as well as the complete composition of all diets for their farms
• implications of ingredient price changes to the composition of their diets
• current feeding costs per animal including processing and delivery costs
Managing Feeding Program Costs
Our job goes well beyond providing a set of diets for your operation. The Gowans team also:
• visits your operation to assess production conditions, determine feed usage rates, and provide recommendations on various opportunities to improve production and feed utilization.
• ensures that your feed ingredient costs remain competitive with current market levels
• advises you of feed ingredient cost reduction opportunities, such as forward contracting of favorably priced ingredients or utilization of alternate ingredients.
• facilitates feed processing and delivery cost reduction strategies specific to your operation.
• provides a feeding cost benchmarking service to guide clients in the management of their businesses.