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Animal Nutrition

We deliver independent feeding program services and production advice tailored to the individual needs and goals of our clients.
Our evidence-based approach is rooted in the science of animal nutrition and applied to our clients’ feeding programs with the sole focus of serving their best interests. Gowans nutrition staff deliver services to poultry and pork producers while the needs of beef and dairy clientele are addressed through our collaboration with BeefSmart and DairySmart.

How We Operate

When you engage Gowans for your nutrition services our first task is to visit your production facilities to acquire an understanding of your feeding program objectives and how your business operates. We do a thorough assessment of the nutrient content of the ingredients available to your enterprise, and how those nutrients are delivered to your animals. We then develop a set of diet specifications and formulas customized to your specific circumstances and resources.

Once established, we ensure the integrity of your feeding program by implementing a quality control program that includes ongoing monitoring of your feed manufacturing process and routine testing of your finished feeds.

We also employ ongoing measures to ensure that our knowledge of your ingredient nutrient profiles remains accurate, including:

• maintaining our own regional databases of updated ingredient nutrient values
• maintaining a routine ingredient testing schedule, supplemented by our own in-house feed testing capability
• establishing lists of approved ingredient suppliers who maintain the appropriate quality control measures, and ensuring that our clients’ diets contain products from such suppliers

Transparent Feed Cost Reporting

Our clients are routinely updated on:

• dietary nutrient specifications
• the costs of all feed ingredients as well as the complete composition of all diets for their farms
• implications of ingredient price changes to the composition of their diets
• current feeding costs per animal including processing and delivery costs

Managing Feeding Program Costs

Our job goes well beyond providing a set of diets for your operation. The Gowans team also:

• visits your operation to assess production conditions, determine feed usage rates, and provide recommendations on various opportunities to improve production and feed utilization.
• ensures that your feed ingredient costs remain competitive with current market levels
• advises you of feed ingredient cost reduction opportunities, such as forward contracting of favorably priced ingredients or utilization of alternate ingredients.
• facilitates feed processing and delivery cost reduction strategies specific to your operation.
• provides a feeding cost benchmarking service to guide clients in the management of their businesses.

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